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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Youth Conference #2

EeAaRrLlYy Friday morning (5:20am) I headed up north to the village of Toroma.  I was asked to speak for 2 hours there at the Catholic Youth Conference.  I prayed all week that God would give me the words to say about Youth and Media.  According to the bishops and leaders, my talk was very insightful and thought provoking.  One of the monks wants a copy of my notes, so I'm praying it went well. 
 I was asked to stay for mass and lunch.  And even though I was extremely tired, I decided to stay for mass.  And I'm glad I did.  What a reverent experience, with a theme of "Carry the cross and Follow Me"!  It sent shivers down my spine to see the bishops all dressed up.
 Part of the service was a mass wedding for 5 young couples.  :) 
 Tribal dancers often showed their energetic moves whenever the choir sang beautiful, harmonic pieces.  I've never seen such a cool mix.
While sitting behind this sister, I started to jot down notes about this day, but didn't get any further.  Here are a few of my lines:
Sunrise glory meets Sister Act....
Catholic choir meets Iteso dancers...
Nuns meet police officers...
Incense meets the pulpit....
Royal robes of purple meet the white tent of the UN...
Rituals and symbolism meet an air of reverence....


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